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Perfect World Filled With Imperfection

As I’m sitting here this morning pondering my goals and things I want to accomplish this year, I’m struck by this overwhelming feeling of “I’m not good enough.” That somehow there is a perfect example of what “good enough Chris Creed” looks like and that I’m definitely not that. Who drew this picture of the dude who’s good enough? This guy that should be the one doing these things in my stead? It was me. There is no perfect Chris Creed to stand up and do the work for me. For example: If I don’t get up and write on this blog every morning no one is going to say, “You know what Chris, I was thinking maybe I’d just write for you today. I pretty much get what you’re thinking about this morning. I got this.” That’s probably not gonna happen. Probably.

We live in a perfect world filled with imperfect, anxious, prideful humans. But we’re not striving to be perfect as it is a lost pursuit. We strive to make something. To do what makes us feel alive. To help us and help others be less anxious, less prideful, and more awesome.

Being perfect is not in the cards for me or you. We aren’t going to always have to right things to say or know exactly what to do or where to go. All we can do is work. Work towards our goals, Work to leave something behind… Work to build a legacy.

Work because work has value for the sake of work. What we will leave behind is the value that we bring to the conversation. The conversation is happening right now. We’re waiting for you. Not to raise your hand and ask for permission to speak… but to stand up and start to tell your story. There is no invitation coming for life.

So I’m gonna just do it. Yeah, just like the Nike commercial. Make big plans and change them and grow and travel and make awesome things happen through ideas and dreams. Because no one is going to do it for me. It’s up to me stand up and say “Here I am. This is what I’m about.”

Chris Creed, Blog, Creative

Happy Tuesday and Happy Dreaming!

Have you ever felt the pressure of perfect? Did it stop you from doing something you wish you’d done?

  • Paige - Chris, I just LOVE your blog. You have the most inspiring and thought provoking sentiments. Proud to know you!ReplyCancel

    • Chris Creed - Thanks for reading, Paige! You’re awesome 🙂 Proud to know you as well!ReplyCancel

  • - This post came at just the right time for me. I, too, have been feeling that “not good enough” anxiety lately. It’s actually been a great lesson, because I’ve ended up pushing myself to move outside of the anxiety and into a new thought pattern of “I am where I am right now and this place has something to teach me.”

    Thank you for sharing your own “not good enough” struggles. It inspires me to keep pushing through!ReplyCancel

    • Chris Creed - So much truth, Lauren. Same thoughts exactly. Thanks for reading and sharing 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Mark Brown - Perfect inspiration today – Thanks so much for your contribution to this world!ReplyCancel

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