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Thank you. Here’s to 2015!

As 2014 is drawing to a close and we prepare to celebrate with good friends to ring in the new year, I couldn’t forget about someone very important to me. Another good friend of mine.


Thank you for listening. If it’s in your inbox, or on Facebook, whatever, thank you. You have made this year amazing and I wanted to say how grateful I am for that.

In 2014 I wrote 164 articles on this blog read by nearly 7000 visitors. What did I learn this year from putting 60,000 words out there for the world to read? Well a lot of things. But perhaps the most important one was this:

It’s not about me.

As much as I want it to be, it’s just not. So as I go into 2015, I go with the peace that this whole thing that we’re all a part of; this thing where we go out and chase our dreams and make things that mean something, I can’t screw it up. Because what I make it not about me. It’s about the fact that it’s made. And just incase you’re wondering, it’s also not about you. So you can take that load of your shoulders too 🙂 Make 2015 the year when everything doesn’t rise and fall with you. Make 2015 rise and fall with making something that matters.

That’s what I’m carrying with my into 2015. Not worry, or stress, or regret but grace and peace. A knowing that all will be well.




Other fun facts/”thankful for’s” from my 2014 (That ironically are about me 🙂 ):

My favorite post I wrote this year was this one: Humble & Reckless.

My favorite song this year was Step Out by José González. In fact anything that made it onto the soundtrack for Walter Mitty got played a lot in our house this year 🙂

My favorite podcast was Chris Brogan’s The Owner’s Mind. With an honorable mention to Serial and Start-Up.

Jen and I got to travel and be outdoors more than we ever have. Next year we will get to do that even more. I am so incredibly grateful for that time spent with her and can’t wait for what next year holds for us.

We got to spend more time with friends and formed new friendships.

I started this thing called Dude Pow-Wow which is a 3-day camping/roadtrip experience for creative guys. That was awesome.

I lost 28 lbs and I am stronger than I’ve ever been.

I jumped off a cliff.

I got to talk to you. Thank you again for being here. I’m glad you’re here.

Happy New Year!! Here’s to 2015!


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