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The Biggest Thing We Miss As Dreamers….

We are surrounded by dreamers, on purpose. We do this because we want to help people with their dreams and to feel supported in our own. But there’s something that we miss as dreamers. There’s something we forget as we move from dream to dream, business idea to business idea. That is: When we say yes to a new dream, we’re saying no to something else. We have to stop doing something in order to start something new.

The something you stop doing may be something you need to stop doing. Like a dead-end job or an old way of doing things that’s run its course. Or it might be an awesome idea that you need to see through. It might be family time that you’re giving up. It might be spending time with friends. It might be a system or idea that’s working really well for you that maybe you just need to adjust a little to keep fresh. But when we say yes to an opportunity we are saying no to something else. I think as dreamers, we’re always thinking “What’s next, what’s next?!” and we get so busy thinking about “the new thing” that we forget what we’re saying no to in pursuit of it. It’s not always a bad thing, but it’s something we can’t ignore.
We need your dreams

Just like with our creativity, just like with our daily lives, let’s be intentional about our dreaming. Let’s at least give the old as much attention as the new. New ideas are great but pay attention to what you’re giving up. If the cost of that loss is less than the gain from the new dream, then by all means full-steam ahead. Only you can know that though, so pay attention and dream on purpose. We need your new dreams. But not at the cost of half-way finished ones. Don’t get so caught up on pursuing the new thing that you cheat us out of seeing the old one through. Finish, and know when it’s time to move on.


Happy Monday!

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