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Understanding The Story

Pay attention to the way places, people and experiences make you feel (good and bad). Carry a notebook and write things down. We’re trying to draw a picture. To gain understanding of how we work so that we can contribute our best work. The best version of you, has a story. Like all good stories there’s struggle, there’s ups and downs, there’s antagonists and protagonists. In a horror movie, when you see a person about to go into the wrong room where he will likely meet certain death, we freak out! We wonder, “What are you thinking?! Have you ever even seen a horror movie, bro?” It seems obvious to us because we know more of the story. The more story we know, the better we can direct. But directing is not just about knowing what comes next, it’s about understanding the story.

Knowing Your Story

When we pay attention, we start to see trends, common themes. These common themes help us to understand where we are and where to go and what to do. They guide us. Those experiences, that feeling of ‘this is why I’m here,’ is what we need to pay attention to. These things make you feel alive. Also, pay attention to those experiences that drain you. That take away joy. Those are important to note because part of knowing your story is understanding the struggles as well as the victories. There will never be one without the other. Every person who ever won a gold medal in the 100m had to run the race first.

Carry a notebook, pay attention, write things down. Knowing why you’re here on the planet, is not all going to happen overnight. Most of us aren’t going to wake up and know exactly where to go. It’s a journey. It’s a process. It’s uncovering the picture. But it starts to become more clear when we start to pay attention.

Happy Monday!

What makes you feel alive?

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