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We Need More People Who Fail

One of the books I’ve read this year that has really stuck with me is Chris Guillebeau’s The Art Of Non-Conformity. I loved several ideas from this book and just wanted to share one of many gems I jotted down from it:

“Unreasonable, unrealistic, and impractical are all words used to marginalize a person or idea that fails to conform with conventionally expected standards.  My response is that the world needs more people who fail to conform and refuse to settle…  Innovation comes from entrepreneurs and others who are willing to accept risk and try new things… Leave the ‘real world’ to those who are happy with it, and come join the living world.”


I love the idea of failing to conform. Failing happens when you start making stuff. If you haven’t failed yet, it’s time start making stuff. Making awesome work doesn’t come without mistakes. Failure is not the goal but it will happen in you’re failing to conform.

Happy Wednesday!

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