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You Can’t Leave This Part Out.

“But I can’t leave this part out of the story I write. And there are worse ways to start the first day of the rest of my life.”
Nickel Creek, Rest of My Life

Maybe everything’s crazy for you right now. Maybe you’re up to you neck in emails and editing. Maybe you’re not getting as many calls as you would like or as much business. But you can’t leave this part out of the story and you wouldn’t want to. Don’t stop here, it’s just starting to get good!


Keep waking up. Keep making awesome stuff. Keep creating momentum in your life.

If you feel like your Hustle Is Broken,

If you feel like you’re in an After-Rhythm,

… remember, you can’t leave this part out of the story you’re writing. Stories without struggle are boring. There is an ebb and flow to life, energy, work, and creativity. And sometimes, like my friend James says, you might be ebbin’ real hard. That doesn’t mean it’s time to quit, it means it’s time to rest, take a step back for a minute, then start again.

You can’t leave this part out. Keep telling the story only you can tell.

Happy Thursday!

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