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If It Doesn’t Ship, It Isn’t Art – Seth Godin Knowledge Bomb

Synchronicity: the experience of two or more events as meaningfully related, whereas they are unlikely to be causally related.

Seriously happens to me all the time. And now that you know about it, it will happen to you as well. Because once your brain starts listening to certain things it tends to perk up and gravitate towards like things.

Exhibit A:

After I wrote the submit button post yesterday, still thinking about fear and sharing ideas, I was driving around listening to Seth Godin’s book The Icarus Deception on audio while running some errands around town when I hear this:

If It Doesn’t Ship, It Isn’t Art

Art involves a collision with the marketplace, an interaction with a recipient, a gift given and a gift received.

You can plan and sketch and curse the system all day, but if you don’t ship, YOU HAVEN’T DONE YOUR WORK, because the work involves connection and the generosity behind it. It’s entirely possible that one day your insight will be discovered and that it will touch someone or make a difference. But if you hide your contribution from us, you can’t be considered an artist, because it’s not art until human connection is made.

We’re not waiting for you to tell us about your notebook filled with ideas. Tell us about the connections you have enabled and the impact you have made instead.

I mean woah. What truth that is, yeah? So, so good. If you haven’t read The Icarus Deception yet, do yourself a favor and get a copy today. This was just a couple of pages in… I’m excited about what comes next.

Happy Friday guys!

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