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Your Fears Look Different On Paper

This week I had a big run-in with fear:

Who am I to do this?

I’m not good enough.

Nobody cares.

You know the drill.

The difference was this time, instead of having it pollute my mind all afternoon, I wrote them all down. Then I refuted them out loud. The crazy thing was, once they were written down and I could see them there, they looked different. See in my head they were giant billboard sized fears. Like everybody could see them and I was advertising them to the world. But once they were written down in my notebook I realized how small they actually were.

 “Regardless of what you want to do or who you are, fear will always see you as wholly unqualified for anything you ever dream or attempt.”

Fear and doubt love to let you know you’re wrong but they never show up to argue with your notebook. They only have words. Words can be big enough to fit on a billboard, or small enough to fit in your notebook. You have that choice. Don’t let fear and doubt design billboards in your life. They won’t be able to if you show them how small their words are.


Happy Friday!

What ways have you found to best refute fear and doubt? Are letting them design the billboards in your life?

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