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Hard Work Is The Magic.

Being a creative business owner/entrepreneur is work. It’s hustle. It’s dreaming. It’s connecting and growing and moving and changing. Don’t start stuff thinking it will be easy. Don’t make stuff thinking it’s going to build itself.

No, build stuff and work hard to make it awesome. Make stuff and work hard to keep it looking awesome. There is no easy way out here. If you peek behind the curtain of success you won’t find an answer to a great mystery that explains it all. There is not a simple solution or magic formula that makes everything easy. There’s hard work. That’s the magic. That’s what’s behind the curtain. Hard work has always been the magic and it will always be the magic. Hard-Work

Adventure won’t fall into your lap and neither will success. Both have to be fought for. Both have to be worked for.

Happy Wednesday!

What do you struggle with most as a creative professional?

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