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It’s Just a Storm.

It’s been storming for the past two days. Last night, a loud thunderclap roused me from slumber with a quickness (yes, a quickness) and I felt a panicked. My heart was racing as I woke to see what was going on. Once I realized it was just a storm, I allowed it to lull me back to sleep like the World’s Most Awesome Sleep Machine. I slept peacefully until it passed which, to my surprise, didn’t take very long. At it’s apex the winds howled, the windows rumbled and lightning lit up the whole house. But after all that fuss, it passed. So much faster than I expected.

Lightning photos, Storm photos

When things get crazy and it’s raining sideways in your life and work, allow the storm to lull to rest in the fact that it will pass. Probably a lot faster than you think. Freak storms may pop up but it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. Just the same howl of the same wind, the same rain on the roof, the same lightning in the sky. Storms are crazy scary and crazy beautiful, let’s focus on the beautiful part. It’s just a storm, get some rest. It will be over before you know it.

Happy Friday, friends!

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